Pizza Styles
what’s your go to pizza style?
A tasty mid-week meal or weekend treat, it’s safe to say pizza is the ultimate crowd pleaser. A dish that transcends borders and cultures, pizza has become a global phenomenon with countless variations and adaptations.
Here’s a quick synopsis of what we think differentiates some of the most well-known pizza styles…
New York style:
A pizza made with a characteristically large hand-tossed thin crust. Usually made from a large dough ball and each slice being enough to feed you for a light dinner. Think Joey from Friends and you’ll imagine what we mean. The crust is thicker and crispy at the very edge, with the centre being thin and soft beneath the topping in order to fold inwards to eat. We like to make this with our Wild Venison Pepperoni.
Chicago style:
The ‘pizza pie’. Thick crust, cooked in a pan or tin, deep dish – it's like any other pizza and its original creation dates back to the 1940’s. Usually eaten with a knife and fork due to its messiness. We prefer to par-bake the crust when we make these at home to give the dough more lift.
Detroit style:
We first tried one of these at The Firehouse in Exeter. It’s a rectangular shaped pizza with a thick, crisp and chewy crust topped right to the edges. This creates some caramelisation again the high sides of the pan which is so delicious.
Neopolitan style:
Considered the original pizza crust. A classic combo of crispiness and char-iness. Usually only classing as Neopolitan style if the toppings are purely a basic dough, raw tomatoes, mozzarella and basil. Break the rules and add some of our Fennel and White Pepper Salami for an extra boost of flavour.
Flat-bread style:
A popular choice with artisanal and gourmet pizza chefs, the super thin cracker like base allows the toppings to shine. An excellent option for those who like a lighter dinner or wanting to make lots of pizzas for a large crowd as they cook in a matter of moments.
Finally, but by no means last is Stuffed Crust style:
A little surprise awaits you within the crust. Often stuffed with cheese, mozzarella or something like Ogleshield is perfect. Simple stretch your dough a little wider around the edge and layer with cheese before folding back over and pinching together. This pizza type will give you the best chance of the whole things being eaten rather than those fussier diners nibbling around a crunchy crust. Stuffing the crust with our Dorset Nduja is brilliant for those who enjoy spice.
If you are looking to enjoy some great pizza we recommend:
In this recipe
Stock your cupboard, ready to make this recipe. You can rest assured that we only use British free range pork, wild venison and grass fed beef in all of our great British charcuterie products. We believe our sustainable sourcing and traditional preserving methods make the best tasting charcuterie in the UK.
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About The Real Cure
We are an artisanal charcuterie producer based in Dorset, delivering our British charcuterie to your doorstep. We also run charcuterie courses and provide our award-winning charcuterie to trade suppliers including delis, farmshops, pubs and restaurants.